The only shapefile you really need is the following one which defines the London bounday and the UK boundary. I've included it in the repo. You can add it to PostGIS as follows
In [1]:
shp2pgsql -I -s 27700 /Users/robinlinacre/Documents/python_projects/moj_national/shapefiles/gb_london_simplified_final.shp tt.gb_and_london | psql -d postgres
In [2]:
# The shapefile doesn't contain the right attributes - this adds them.
from mylibrary.connections import cursor, conn
sql = """
delete from tt.gb_and_london where gid = 3;
alter table tt.gb_and_london ADD name text;
update tt.gb_and_london
set name = 'london' where gid = 1;
update tt.gb_and_london
set name = 'gb' where gid = 2;